Making handwriting easier for every child

children handwriting

Welcome to O.T. KIDS

All children want to participate in the joys of writing, sharing stories, and drawing pictures. For children, writing is a meaningful part of expressing themselves, learning about the world, and engaging with it.

For some kids, it’s hard to hold a pencil, get words down on paper, and write legibly enough for others to read. Many adults say “Ahh, just use a laptop” but often children struggling to meet paper and pencil have just as many coordination problems connecting fingers to a keyboard.

Every young person ought to have the tools and resources to write down and share their stories and world! Help your child or student with our time-tested and useful tools: Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting (ETCH) and TRICS for Written Communication.

A child benefits from handwriting to develop strong neural pathways for learning.